When I established CODA Kennels in 2001 my objectives were to maintain the integrity of the APBT by producing
a "classic style" dog in the modern colors that reflected the positive aspects of the breed. To develop my strain I used
dogs with Gaff, Larum, Mason (Ch. Hog), Ruffian, Sierra, Watchdog and York bloodlines in their pedigrees. Overall my dogs
were nice looking, very athletic and well received but I noticed they weren't very "bright", willing to correct unwarranted
behavior and had "nervous energy" rather than true energy. The dogs with the Mason/Watchdog outcross were better but not by
much. In a 1 or 2 dog household this is much less noticeable than in a kennel situation and these behaviors are completely
opposite of how the dogs were initially bred! There are/were exceptions, but few and far between.
Certain "fads" including COLORS had been established in the pit bull world while others were being developed
and catered to. At the same time the market has been flooded with poorly bred dogs, specifically the "blues" by backyard breeders,
breeders of dogs (not to be confused with a real dog breeder) and questionable ethics and breeding practices by tenured breeders
including but not limited to selling dogs at discounts in exchange for breed backs and/or puppies! The kennel clubs (AKC,UKC)
haven't helped matters; the emergence of the CKC (pet registry) and "organizations" like NEBA (nothing but an online form)
have muddied the water more. This has all led to a glut in supply while diminishing the QUALITY and value of the dogs!
Throw in a stagnant and worsening economy and you have the perfect recipe for a price driven market where quality is an afterthought
and means nothing!
Unless you have something that has true recognized value, that everybody, their friends, neighbors and relatives
don't have, the "playing field" is not level! Sure it's a "free" country and competition in business is good and natural:
but if you can't get fair (?) value versus overhead and labor, it becomes increasingly difficult to produce a quality dog
when the "competition" has none of the above and are willing and able to sell their dogs for $400 or less! The issue becomes
integrity versus fostering a slow death.
These factors, frustration with them and a worsening back condition led to the liquidation of my "old" yard.
Bob Dylan said "the times they are changing" and in business, sports and life in general when things aren't going right you
get back to basics! In pit bulls it doesn't get more basic than Colby dogs. CODA Kennels will now only steward Colby dogs
and produce 75% Colby-bred (my new strain) dogs starting in 2007 with no more than 2 litters per year. Colby dogs have
always been on my yard but exclusive stewardship was never my plan. However, I'm smart enough not to beat a dead horse.
CLIPPER was bred by Lou Colby and his grandson Peter and SUNSHINE was bred by Lou; they are both dual registered
ADBA/UKC as will their pups. PABLO is out of CLIPPER x MISS BLUE who was also the foundation dog for my previous strain
and an exception to her style (confirmation) of breeding. PABLO and SUNSHINE's pups will only be UKC registered.
Lou is a personal friend who I hold in the highest esteem and being that these are his family's line of dogs,
I charge the same price he does which is $800 plus shipping/delivery. My new strain being 75% Colby will be 75% the price
which is $600 plus shipping/delivery. (This pricing should act as a measuring stick for what you should have to pay for ANY
APBT since they all eventually trace back to the Colby line of dogs !!!
The only pure Colby breeding I've done was SOLD OUT before it hit the ground and I'm sure future litters will
be as well. If you want one it is recommended that you buy your number in line to ensure your pick as I can guarantee you
that any pups that make it to my websites will be sold within 1 week of exposure! 2 people waited a full year for the last